Chance to Reach Potential Customers with Google Ads

03 Oct 2017

According to the data, there are 48 million internet users in Turkey and on average, only one person searches 243 times in a month using Google Search Network. These results show that users search on Google about the subject they are curious about and reach satisfactory results.

In short, the findings showing that more than half of Turkey's 79 million population search on the Google Search Network sheds light on the rise of Google ads. So much so that our response to television ads that marked the past century is very different from our response to Google ads. While we think that advertisements in traditional media are a waste of time, we review Google advertisements and give feedback.

Looking at their mobile data, 59% of users find Google ads useful, and 56% search for the ad they see. This is exactly the most attractive point about AdWords, which is very popular today:


Of course, it is not easy for thousands of competitors gathered under this umbrella to stand out from each other with the idea that “If users who make searches similar to our product see us, they cannot give up on us”. Managed by digital strategy and marketing experts, a Google ad can be placed where potential customers can see it at low cost with the help of a call to action, accurate audience targeting, and ad-appropriate extensions. With pay-per-click, you spend on customers who genuinely care about you. When you visit your website, receive a phone call, fill out the form or make a purchase, you only pay the amount you agreed to when you reach your destination.

Besides Google ad There is nothing you need to do to get on the platform and quitting is as simple as getting started. Contact us for more detailed information and to advertise on Google. Go to contact.